Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Deep in the Heat of Texas

Yes, I left out the "r" on purpose. It was hot today.

I traveled from Carlsbad, NM, to Abilene, TX -- about 318 miles. I spent the morning on smaller roads. Not much to speak of, realy.

I took a break in the afternoon to bird Comanche Trail Park in Big Spring, TX. I was able to pick up a few (three) of those southern species.

As I suspected, the western birds are in my rear-view mirror, figuratively speaking. Swainson's Hawk, take care of yourself. Black-throated Sparrow, adieu. Bewick's Wren, until we meet again. Curve-billed Thrasher, we'll always have Silver City.

I was happy and relieved to see Robins and Cardinals in Texas. For me they were harbingers of home.

After my visit to Comanche Trail, I strapped the leathers back on and hit the highway toward Abilene. It was awful warm to be wearing black leather from head to toe. It was warm, but reasonable on the highway. But the instant we slowed down it got nasty. Seriously. Halfway down the off ramp I was itching to get my gloves off.

I was very tempted to ride without the leathers, especially seeing other bikers in much less. But I promised Sweetie that I would try to come back in one piece, so the leathers will stay on -- on the highways at least. I stripped down to jeans and a t-shirt while riding through the park today. (I was going 10 miles an hour, so I felt pretty safe.)

Tomorrow I have one park in mind, then a long ride to Oklahoma.

"This vacation has been accident free for: 002 days."


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